Powershell with SSH on Windows 10

Software Installation for enabling Default SSH on Windows Laptop

Step1: Enable SSH on Powershell.

Click –> Settings –>Update & Security –> For Developers –> Update to Developer Mode

Step2: Update Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU — UseWUServer to 1

Step3: Goto Settings –> Apps –> Optional Settings link  –> Add Feature –> OpenSSH — Install

Step4: Reboot the laptop

Step 5: Click Windows + X and select the powershell


  1. Set-Item -Path env:VAULT_ADDR -Value “https://vault.aws.*.com”
  2. vault login -method=ldap username=<>
  3. By logging into the AWS console identify the IP you want to login
  4. Makesure you have centosaccess on vault.
  5. vault write ssh/creds/centosaccess ip=<IP>
    1. This will print a key which is your passcode
  6. ssh centos@<IP>






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